Thursday, January 31, 2008


Adisynn: "Hey Mom, who do you like better? Jesus or Santa Claus?"

Me: "Oh, I LOVE Jesus!"

Adisynn: "Not me!! I like Santa Claus."

We are still singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas shows at our house. Lucky us huh??
Probably will be for the next couple of months. UGG!! I don't know how much more of "Frosty the Snowman"or "Oh You Better Watch Out." I can take.


Andrea said...

That's too funny. It usually takes awhile to make them understand that Jesus' gift was priceless compared to anything Santa could bring. lol. My niece was still watching Frosty up until a week ago when the DVD fell on the tile and broke! I don't know what my sister is going to do!

Lisa said...

I don't think I would be able to handle months of Christmas song either. Next Christmas you should have Santa give her crappy presents and that should solve that problem ;)

michelle said...

You just gave me a great idea! There was Christmas movies I wanted to rent, and watch during the holidays. I think next week I am headed to Blockbuster to rent them! What ones are your favorites?

Bea said...

That's too funny!!! Enjoy... Christmas in February... too cute!

Holly said...

That is so funny - priceless

We get de-santafied pretty much before New Years so it's all been back in storage for quite some time!!!! Good luck!