Ok, its been 16 years since I had a 3 year old and I must have forgot what it was like, because sometimes I am ready to pull my hair out. I hear all the time that having a child in your later years will keep you young... WELL, I DON"T THINK SO!!! I have grey hair, I can't see very well and have a hard time chasing her and the dog down the street.I enjoy reading many of your posts of those who have 3 and 4 year olds because it helps me realize that this is all normal craziness and time goes by so fast and then they're gone. So, I just needed to RANT a little bit tonight because come tomorrow we start all over again.. But everyday I thank the Lord for the 2 special gifts he's given us and even though I'm 46 I would do it all over again even if I were 76 (good hell, okay maybe not that old)
76, NO WAY! But she's sure lovely!
Good Hell is right! Your eggs would be old and shrivled!!!
Holy cow - could you imagine starting all over with a newborn at 76!?! I don't think there is enough Diet Coke in the world even for Linda to get that crazy!
You do have two cute girls! Now keep your legs crossed! wink, wink!
The picture of her is beautiful! You had me laughing over here when you mentioned 76! I too have the grey hairs...ugghh! :)
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